Amy Givler, MD

Amy Givler

When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was caught up in a swirl of emotions. Being a doctor didn’t shield me from that chaos. But after I went through treatment, I wanted to help those who are newly diagnosed. This book is the result. It has solid medical information and offers hope in the face of cancer.

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My background...

Amy Givler is a family physician in Monroe, Louisiana. She and her husband Don met in 1980 at a CMDA student event her first year of medical school, and they have both been active members of CMDA ever since. Amy graduated from Wellesley College and Georgetown University School of Medicine, and she then completed her family medicine residency at the same indigent-care hospital where she now works part time. Amy loves to write and has written many articles and one book, Hope in the Face of Cancer: A Survival Guide for the Journey You Did Not Choose. She and Don raised three children and have a heart for missions. They travel yearly to Kenya to teach medical students and residents, and they also help lead marriage weekends. 

Random facts about Jane!
• I name all my pets after Lord of the Rings characters. Frodo is napping on my desk
• Hate coffee and tea. Love sparkling water.
• I’m really into sports cars… and knitting
• I still dress up for Halloween
Meet My Kitty, Frodo!
He's all about second breakfast

Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.

1 Peter 2:24